Membership of Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage is open to all those with an interest in the history of the wider Clonakilty area. The benefits of membership include:
The ability to attend our outings. Due to issues with insurance, outings are limited to members only.
You will be added to our email list to get notifications of our latest news and events.
Your membershp fee will help support our society in promoting and preserving the history and archaeology of Clonakilty and the surrounding area.
Membership Fee 2025
Membership of Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage is now due for 2025.
Membership fee is as follows:
Payment Methods
1. In Person
Membership can be paid in person at any of our lecture nights.
2. Online Bank Transfer
If you wish to pay by internet banking, or in person in your own bank, please use the following bank details:
N.B. Please include your full name with your payment so that it will appear on our bank statement and also email with the following information so that we can place you on our membership list:
3. By Post
Alternatively, you may send your membership fee, with the above information to:
Fachtna McCarthy, Cisteoir/Treasurer Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage,
Tawnies Lower,
Co. Cork.
Cheques/postal orders to be made payable to Duchas Clonakilty Heritage (euro currency only please).
* Your contact details will only be used by Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage to inform you of our events and other events that may be of interest to members. Your details will not be passed on to any other organisation or individual without your consent. Our privacy policy can be viewed on our website